Tuesday 9 October 2012

Production Of Oil In Pakistan

Pakistan is deficient in mineral oil resources. According to some geologists favourable structural traps are found in large areas of Pakistan .Since 1947 many major discoveries were made in Punjab and Sindh and
drilling activities were enhance in the 1980s and 1990s .However ,Oil is still the major import item in pakistan..Drilling activities started in 1966 .Until 1978 the potwar plateau was the most productive region .Lower Sindh emerged as an oil region in 1981 .Union Texas Pakistan made the first discovery in Lower Sindh .The southern oilfields produced more oil in 1997-8 than the northern oilfields .Many of the potential oilfields in the country are still unexplored due to lack of technology and the weak institutional framework.

Role Of  Public And Private Sector In Oil Exploration and Drilling 
Since independence the Government has carried out exploration and development in collaboration with many  foreign companies ..In the public sector ,the oil and Gas Development Corporation,which was established in 1961, is actively working.

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